Accessing Video Replays


Video replays are a powerful feature within ReplayPRO that allow you to observe visitor interactions with your Shopify store in real time. This capability is essential for understanding the behavior of your customers, identifying any potential issues they may face, and optimizing the overall user experience.

Opening Video Replays

To view video replays:

  1. Sign in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Navigate to the ReplayPRO app by selecting it from the left-hand side menu.
  3. Within ReplayPRO, locate and click on the Visitors tab to see a list of recorded visitor sessions.
  4. Each visitor session is grouped into individual sessions. Look for the session that you are interested in.

Viewing a Replay

  1. To access the video replay, find the View replays button. This button is available for each visitor session, not for each individual page view within a session.
  2. Click View replays to expand the session details and reveal the replay options.

Analyzing Visitor Sessions

  • Sessions are categorized and can be reviewed to understand visitor pathways and actions within your store.
  • The replay feature allows you to see the exact sequence of pages visited and the duration of each visit.
  • You can use these insights to make data-driven decisions to enhance site navigation and resolve any pain points.

Tips for Effective Replay Analysis

  • Make note of any recurring patterns or behaviors that could indicate usability issues or successful features.
  • Utilize the timeline controls to navigate through the session quickly and focus on key moments of the customer journey.
  • Remember to utilize the available data such as location, device, and pages viewed to segment and understand different user demographics.


Leveraging video replays in ReplayPRO provides you with a direct window into the customer's experience on your Shopify store. By routinely accessing and analyzing these replays, you can continuously improve the performance and user-friendliness of your site.

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