Setting Up Your First Replay

Embarking on the journey of understanding your customers' experiences is exciting, and setting up your first replay with ReplayPRO is a breeze. Here's how to get started:

Visit the Replay Section: From your ReplayPRO dashboard, navigate to the 'Replays' section. This is where all the magic happens.

Select a Visitor Session: You'll see a list of recent visitor sessions. Choose one that interests you — perhaps a session with a long duration or one where a purchase was made.

Launch the Replay: Click on the session to open the replay. The intuitive interface will present you with a video-like playback of the visitor's journey.

Control the Replay: Use the playback controls to play, pause, or skip through the actions. You can also adjust the speed to suit your viewing preference.

Analyze the Behavior: As you watch the replay, take note of key behaviors such as mouse movements, clicks, and scrolling. Look for patterns that indicate engagement or possible points of friction.

Take Notes: ReplayPRO allows you to make annotations or take notes. Use this feature to mark moments of interest for later review or to share with your team.

Repeat and Learn: Set up replays for a variety of sessions. Comparing different visitor experiences can yield powerful insights.

Integrate Learnings: Apply the insights gained from session replays to make data-driven decisions to enhance user experience and optimize your store's performance.

Remember, each replay is an opportunity to see your store through your customers' eyes. Enjoy discovering what makes your visitors click!

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