Installing ReplayPRO

Welcome to the first step in enhancing your Shopify store experience with ReplayPRO! Installation is straightforward and requires no coding knowledge. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Access ReplayPRO on Shopify App Store: Navigate to ReplayPRO’s listing on the Shopify App Store.
  2. Add ReplayPRO to Your Store: Click the ‘Add app’ button. You’ll be directed to your Shopify store’s admin area to confirm the installation.
  3. Installation Confirmation: Shopify will request permission to install ReplayPRO and access necessary data. Review and approve to proceed.
  4. Setup Wizard: Upon installation, ReplayPRO's setup wizard will guide you through the initial configuration. This includes setting up tracking preferences and understanding basic functionalities.
  5. Dashboard Orientation: Once the setup is complete, you’ll be taken to the ReplayPRO dashboard. Here, you can start exploring the features and setting up filters for your session replays.
  6. Test Run: It’s a good idea to navigate around your store as a visitor to ensure everything is tracking correctly. ReplayPRO will start recording sessions immediately, allowing you to view your test interactions.
  7. Support and Help: If you encounter any issues or have questions, ReplayPRO’s support team is readily available to assist you.

Congratulations! You've successfully installed ReplayPRO. You’re now ready to gain valuable insights into your visitors' behavior and take your store to new heights.

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